As my life as a blogger has progressed, I have learned so much more about myself and my interests. With the new found realizations have come, new ideas. One of them started 4 years ago, with the birth of my daughter. I took up reading to put her to sleep and it has now been out bonding time. I had my doubts as to how long the both of us would enjoy it, I have been pleasantly surprised by the way Ishika looks forward to story time. These four years of reading has definitely led me to learn a lot about children’s books and develop an opinion on the types of books that I like to read to her and the types of emotions that each of these books evoke on my now 4 year old and me.
With so many books out there, I have often taken to the internet to help me select books that both of us can enjoy. At other times, it has mostly been trial and error. I hope that this list of books will help you in your efforts towards reading to your child/ren.
As I go along with my short reviews on these books, I will start to categorize them and again, …………………… see where this page leads me and you, my readers.
I have bought some books but for the most of them, Public libraries have been my go to place.
Please do take a few seconds to share your views on my posts.
This will be an ongoing section on my blog which I will update with each new book that I come across.
Today, I will share three such books. First of, I will start off with a book that has been our all time favorite and we still LOVE it.
April 16, 2015
This book by Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen has been our all time favorite. Both Ishika and I pretty much have the book memorized and each time there was something more to discover. The words flow so seamlessly that I have found so many different ways to read it aloud. The illustrations by David Clark keep us trying to copy the many emotions on the book as we read along. For my little one who like everyone else needed to be reminded that sharing is a good thing, I have not found a more effective book. Of course, she loved using the word “Mine! Mine! Mine!” more often that not, but we have been alble to live with that and also use it on her when needed to remind her, without us being the bad guys 🙂
This was also a perfect book for our Dino-lover: Stegosaurus, Iguanodon, Triceratops and others.
Lessons that we took from this book:
- Not sharing means no friends would want to play with you.
- Not sharing and snatching things has consequences.
- Most importantly: Sharing helps you make friends and have fun
This book definitely is a keeper!
2. Llama Llama Red Pajama
Llama Llama Red Pajama by Anna Dewdney is our another all time favorite. In fact, I have not finished reading them all but I have loved the other Llama Llama Books too: Llama Llama Time to Share, Llama Llama and the Bully Goat
, Llama Llama Home with Mama
. The way the Anna describes Llama Llama’s state of mind throughout the book with simple words and in a poetic manner keeps the reader and the listener hooked till the end. The illustrations are amazing too.
The very first sentence had the mother daughter hooked: “Llama Red Pajama, Reads a Story with his Mama”
Another Keeper to read it over and over and over again!
3. Why Epossumondas Has No Hair on His Tail
Our new favorite, this possum story has us hooked by the description of character, the various characters in the story and the little songs that we can sing along. Coleen Salley uses easy to hear but not so common verbs to describe the actions of the characters: pussyfooting by, lollygagging, jabbering, confabbing, ….
Illustrations by Janet Stevens has us staring at those long, pink, naked and funny looking or those powder puff tails. The bristly Possum characters start to grow on you.
Favorite Part: Singing …
“Persimmons, ‘simmons, high up in the tree. Plenty enough for Stomach and plenty enough for me.”
Here’s my daughter singing her heart out:
Can’t wait to start reading other Epossumondas books: Epossumondas, Epossumondas Saves the Day, Epossumondas Plays Possum
, Epossumondas Plays Possum
Until next time!
April 17. 2015
Let me add two books to this list today:
As the news on the only remaining male northern white male rhino reminded me of Galapagos George, this book by Jean Craighead George teaches us about evolution, warns us of the consequences of human activity, and still ends the story on a positive note, a note of hope. This story based on lonesome George, the last giant tortoise on Pinta Island who died on June 24th 2012, marking the extinction of Giant Tortoise on Pinta Island due to human activities. The author describes the magnificence of this giant tortoise and their contribution in our understanding of evolution. “survival of the fittest”. The illustration by Wendell Minor are life-like and while my daughter enjoyed the book, I intend to read it to her again and again because this book teaches so much.
Library Lion by Michelle Knudsen and illustrations by Kevin Hawkes was a book that we were introduced to us via Youtube. It was Mindy Sterling’s awesome story telling that made us fall in love with this book. Then we had to find this book. Teaching library rules and processes were much easier because of this book. It is such a heart warming book and a true ode to Library.