Should I continue writing?
January 22, 2015

Why should I continue writing?  Why should I take the time out to sit in front of the computer which I stare at hours and hours in a day anyway? Why spill a drop of me and my words to the vast ocean of opinions and blogs and awe-inspiring articles? Can you believe, I am writing about why I should continue writing on the second day I will be posting anything new to my blog and that too after a few days of hiatus?  I should have stretched the three posts that I posted on the first day to three consecutive days.  There is a lesson for those who are thinking of starting a blog themselves 🙂

Writing everyday can definitely be challenging because the end might seem distant and the rewards uncertain or definitely far-fetched. If only writing was as easy as playing Candy Crush – take your smartphone out and get rewarded with delicious candy combos and the sense of instant accomplishment. Well, I read an article by Pat Ferguson on the addicting characteristics of playing games like Candy Crush and it suggests that such addictions are mainly attributed to the release of the feel good hormone, “dopamine”. Dopamine is said to enable us to see the rewards and to take action towards getting such rewards.  I digressed from writing to playing addicting games because there seems to be a connection between the two and also a silver lining for motivating this writing endeavor of mine. Obviously, I regard writing as a good habit and well…. you can fill in the rest.

When we feel the urge to indulge in any of the addicting behaviors (when we should and/or could be doing something productive) then that release of dopamine can be supposedly utilized towards performing another attractive but a “good” task with more focus. This could allow us to get more of the productive work done and in return be rewarded with a sense of accomplishment that our conscious mind recognizes as a good behavior. Pat further suggests that “repetitive, consistent, positive responses are the keys that unlock the benefits of this chemical” so making an open commitment to continue writing, and the feeling of personal accomplishment along with the remarks of all you, “the kind souls”, would definitely result in this writing exercise for me to be more productive than I initially thought it would be.

For me, I realized that writing helps me:

  • Obviously, improve my writing
  • Keep my mind active and inquisitive
  • I read a lot more
  • I research more
  • Therefore, I learn more
  • Also, when I hear back from “YOU” more, I write more

Now, why would you want to write?

Till ……….. the next urge of the release of dopamine!

About Sudiksha Joshi

A Learning Advocate and Founder of, I am on a mission to give ourselves to think bigger and bolder to forge our way forward and change the world.