It is only recently that I have started asking this question more to my self.
I find that this question has many layers. My quest for more information, more knowledge, and more awareness about my strengths and weaknesses and aspirations has taken me to many different places since I started writing and sharing my thoughts with everyone.
And, I have found that thinking, writing, and sharing about what it means to be a female, a woman – has become one of the most uneasy topic for me but the one that keeps popping up more and more.
As I keep learning and reading, and researching more, I have begun to understand why I feel uneasy about the topic and also why I have found it to be important to continue talking about it.
As, I had shared with you in my earlier blogs, the term women and anything that separated women from men was a cringing thought for me. Because, I considered myself as capable as any men. While aspirations and beliefs of equality in diversity still remained, puberty brought about changes without anybody really telling me what I should expect and what those changes meant, and most importantly why things the way they were. The social construct, the division of labor and the different set of expectations from women as daughters, mothers, and many other roles have created many confusions to say the least. The social stigmas made many topics –off topics.
So, I find that until I can come to terms with who I am, I cannot make a true contribution to this world. And I find that, I keep asking questions regarding women, the evolution of thoughts, the paradigm shifts, the stigmas, the achievements, the challenges, and ultimately the hope this holds. So, I ask you to help me in this journey to understand what it means to be a woman.
First off, I want to know some answers. Answers about what it means to have a female body. Specifically, I want to ask you to share with me, what are the things that you would want your kids to know to about a female body that you were never told about.
Also, what is one question that keeps coming up in your head but you have never looked for an answer for it?
In the quest to find answers, I have created a google form. I ask that you take a few minutes to provide me with some insights. I hope that this quest will not only make me aware but make you aware of your true self too.
Please provide your answers in the form below of click here.